Malaysia International Vocational Association
- No. 1 Medan Syed Putra Utara 59200 Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan MY
Malaysia International Vocational Association known as MIVA, is an international organization that aims to promote beauty, hairdressing, makeup, nail art, embroidery, wedding dessert jelly, stage performance, education, communication, training, development and innovation. 马来西亚国际技职协会(Malaysia International Vocational Association 简称MIVA)是一个国际性的技职组织, 旨在促进美容,美发,彩妆,美甲,纹绣,芳疗,灵性疗愈,婚禮甜品果凍, 舞台表演在教育, 交流, 培训, 发展和创新。
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